Wedding Dress/Gown Heirlooming.
Brides have trusted their Wedding Dress Heirlooming to Park Cleaners for decades, ensuring a lifetime of memories. You have several options when it comes to your wedding gown.
Clean, Press, Preserve and Package.
We don’t farm out our heir-looming services, as we view the care of your wedding dress as important to trust to anyone else. Our exclusive process ensures your dress will withstand the effects of time and storage to keep it looking wedding day perfect.
Pre Wedding Pressing.
We can press your gown for photos and just before your wedding to ensure a photo perfect presentation as you come down the aisle.
Spot Cleaning.
With it increasingly more popular for wedding photos to be taken in all sorts of lifestyle shots prior to your wedding, the odds of getting your dressed marked up are increased. We can return the dress spotless, even after you have clamored around in the surf, on a tractor or in the grass posing for that just right pre-wedding photo.